This is a project I’ve been working on lately. I noticed Godot had Midi Input capabilities, and I’ve been trying to teach myself piano and music theory better, so I made this. I think it’s helped quite a bit.
show last 6 notes pressed on the music staff show current keys held in a keyboard layout show current keys held on circle of fifths show pitch and octave of current key being held show distance between last two notes played show scale degree of keys held (assumes root is lowest key) show chord type of keys held (major, minor, sus, dim, aug, add) sine wave drone capabilities generative art background varies with pitch, velocity and keys held flash cards for training sight reading
Future features:
expand flash cards to scales, chords and chord types high scores servers for flash cards
I feel like it’s helped me figure out patterns and things I probably wouldn’t notice otherwise. I think I might keep expanding it, but I don’t know if I’ll release it or not. I think I might focus on a game next, I think my programming skills are more than competent to make something, but I need to work on my art skills, both 3d modelling and pixel art. Right now I’m trying to make lots of little pixel art icons, maybe using them for a puzzle or card game or something, but mostly to work on my skills.
And yet another year goes by that I say I’ll document all my projects as I go, and I don’t. Documenting progress is a full time hobby in itself.
A homing pigeon on a greenhouse roof ventInside the greenhouse at the end of last year. Hopefully I can actually start using it next month.
The Greenhouse – As described in a previous post. I am more than satisfied with it for the $850 dollars I paid, I’ve probably paid more in that in materials for it (dirt + shelving supplies + containers / etc). The winter freeze last month killed my Prickly Pear Cactuses I had in there (I thought they’d be hardy to 0f, but they didn’t survive past around 15f)
I wanted pannier bags for my bike, so instead of buying them, I bought a sewing machine and a bunch of used fabric from thrift stores and just started making bags of the same size, about 5 or 6 of them. When I was confident in making those, I started going for the bigger dimensions of the panniers. I tested those, like what I had, then got some Cordura fabric and made this pair. I’m still not very confident on handles, and my zipper sews are really terrible, but that’s something to work on I guess! I tried making a copy of a hoodie I like, but it came in a bit small, and that discouraged me a bit. It’s another hobby to hop back into later at some point, but I feel like I’ve learned a lot already – I’ve mended a ton of clothes so far.
Pannier bags I made along with my hot glue stick LED matrix. The LEDs under the rack / bag now use glue sticks for diffusion as well. (it’s pretty cool in the dark!)
LEDs – I setup the corners of my living room with WS2811 LEDs a few years ago for ambient lighting and it’s been great. I was riding my bike with a friend in the dark, and I got a bit ahead, and he said he couldn’t see me. That gave me the idea to light up my bike with them. I started just zip tying them to the frame. They are christmas light type, instead of the more common tape style – waterproof tape style would probably work better for the frame, but it’s not worth me redoing it yet. I had a lot of issues with shorts the first few times, bumps would often turn off the lights, or reset them – but lots of hot glue has fixed that. Eventually I remembered I had an LED matrix, and incorporated that into the setup by using hot glue sticks to diffuse the lights. It works great.
WLED, the software controller I use for my bike and living room lights, is a good piece of software. It runs on an esp32 which can be had for about $5-7 dollars, and works with most addressable LEDs. I’ve used it to retrofit these gooseneck lights with addressable LEDs – one use is for backlighting on a monitor, I use the USB power on my monitor to power them and then by using the power switch on the monitor, they turn off at the same time as the monitor.
my 250w solar panel and a 12v automotive fan – the panel goes to a 12v regulator and the fan, then it runs to a car cigarette lighter / usb outlet that runs an ESP32 with a temp sensor going to Home Assistant
Solar / Home Assistant / ESPHome – After building the greenhouse, I wanted to have the temperature show up somewhere as a graph. I already use Home Assistant to automate things around my house, and I discovered ESPHome, which lets you connect sensors to esp32 devices to Home Assistant. I went a little crazy with it, and ended up building 5 of them. There’s one in my greenhouse – it doubles as a sort of sun meter, it’s attached to a big solar panel which goes to an automotive fan and USB outlets. It only works when there’s enough power from the sun – which is bad for a temp gauge, but perfect for a way to measure the sun. The rest of the temp gauges are normal, and in places like my carport, kitchen, living room, and mudroom. It’s good information to know.
just a couple of the ESP32 + temp sensor gauges I built. I tend to go a little crazy with the hot glue.
vending machines – I bought a few card / sticker style vending machines with no real idea what to do with them. One idea was making a sort of “fortune” machine with tarot cards, but common sized cards don’t fit my machine. Pokemon cards seems like the most obvious idea, they seem to be everywhere, but I’m not sure I like that idea very much, there’s so much more that can be done with these machines. I’ve still got a lot more testing to do with the machines – I swapped out some of the 25c coin mechanisms for ones that will do up to $1, now I need to clean up another one I bought. I don’t really expect to make any money off it, but I think I might be able to fund buying a bigger machine with them – I think a snack style machine that sells electronics parts and kits might be a good idea. I feel like Radioshack components bins are something that’s still needed, URS electronics in Portland is the only place in the metro area that’s similar for electronics hardware, unless you want to wait a few days for shipping from amazon or a month+ from proper electronics places.
This old Pamplet / Map vending machine was locked and needed to be picked. It was full of neat old maps of Gresham.another sticker style vending machine
Godot engine – I’ve been using Godot a lot lately, an engine for making games and interfaces with a language similar to Python. I have a lot of experience making generative art with Python, and it seems easy enough to migrate the ideas to Godot. Right now I’m trying to cross a match three game with a shoot ’em up like Gradius, basically a shooter where you find tokens for moves on the match three game, then you get Powerups for the ship from the match three game. It seems like it’d be a decent gameplay loop that I haven’t really seen too often.
a little match three dice game to be used as the part of my shmup game. The backgrounds were an attempt to migrate some generative art ideas to GdScript from Python, it seems like everything works about the same.
Recipe Printer – I wired up an ESP32 to a receipt printer and made a very basic API, then I set that up in Home Assistant, so now I can automate making recipes for some reason. I think originally I wanted to make a little automated newspaper, like once a day print the previous days top 3 headlines. Another work in progress, I guess.
trying to debug my receipt printer and build a simple API for it
I’ve been growing Walking Onions for a few years. These are green onions that grow bulbs where their flower should be. They propagate by falling over, but if you stake them so they stay standing, they can triple and quadruple bloom. I gave some to my mom at one point, and she put them in her garden that is surrounded by concrete and a pool. This was the result last July:
Compared to my own, the growth on these is insane. My theory is the water and the concrete are keeping the temps up in the spring and winter, letting them grow better. This made me start looking into greenhouses.
I’ve built a number of coops for my homing pigeons before, but I felt like a greenhouse would probably be over my head, so I started looking at kits. The 10 x 12 greenhouse from Harbor Freight had a lot of reviews, a lot of them being negative, but all the positive ones saying that if you reinforce it, it ends up being pretty good. So I took the chance. When I bought it, it was $999, but I used a 25% off one item coupon and it was only $750. It looks like the price has dropped to $899, so it can be had for even cheaper than $750 with a coupon. (Harbor Freight has them on their website all the time, New Years and around the 4th being the two major times).
Here’s a few pictures of the build, don’t mind the messy construction site of a backyard – now that the greenhouse is up, it’s time to redo a lot of it. It took me a while to fully build it – it took me a few months to get a tree removed, then the foundation took me a while to get flat. After that, it was about 2 weeks of casually working on it in the mornings and evening by myself when it wasn’t too hot out (late june / early july probably isn’t the best time to setup a greenhouse). Getting the roof beams up would have been a pain, but two ladders and some twine to keep it secure while putting in the nuts and bolts worked well. The only real issue I had was getting the roof panels in, putting the vents in and then the panels below the vents before doing the rest seems to make a big difference – otherwise I was standing on the ladder shoving the roof hard in one direction trying to get it to fit. After taking all the panels back out, then doing the vents, it got a lot easier and nothing got stuck like that again. I did the bottom panels first, and had no issue with those.
A number of mods are recommended, I sealed all the panels (other than the vent and door panels) with aluminum tape – apparently this keeps the panels from decaying as fast. As long as I get 5 or so years out of them, I think it will work out, cost wise. I plan on adding cross beams made of EMT conduit when I get my autovents – right now it’s getting 120f+ on 85f+ days with no ventilation, so I can’t do any work in it right now. Shade cloth is definitely going to be needed, but I need to sort out fans first. The cheapest option for that seems to be buying a large 12v automotive fan, then running that from a large solar panel with a regulator to drop the voltage, no batteries or controllers. a 1000+ CFM 12v fan seems to be about 120w, it seems like used 250w solar panels can be had for under $100 if you look around, that should be enough to run it when it’s very sunny out, and hopefully on a fairly overcast day it should get decent airflow. I’d like to add some seed mats for the winter, but that requires batteries or proper electrical so I’ll probably wait a few seasons for that.
Over all, I’m satisfied with it. A majority of the reviews are from people in areas that get worse weather than me, so I’m not too concerned about it falling over or anything – the worst I get is gorge winds from the east, but I think the trees, houses and my aviary block most of it. It’s pretty secure
Besides videos on youtube, this is a good blog explaining how to assemble it – – “Building our Harbor Freight 10′ x 12′ Greenhouse” – lots of information about building it and mods to make. Definitely worth reading along with the official instructions (which are trash)
Hopefully my walking onions do as well as I hope. I think they will, but even if they don’t, I have a lot of other ideas I can use it for. I feel like I’ve learned a lot building this, not just about making buildings but also just heating and cooling in general – I also most want to build a greenhouse onto my house now just for free / cheap heating possibly, I’m almost certain I could save a bit of money if I had some way to vent the excess heat into the house. (I really like being warm! I’m basically a tortoise, or a tropical plant.)
also, it’s been a while since I posted on here – I’m letting lapse since my desire to write comes and goes, the tools were migrated to this domain (links at the top). I think I need to find a better workflow for writing since I write a lot, but editing is *always* my worst enemy. I could reformat this paragraph forever, so I’m just gonna finish this sentence and that will be that.
Here’s a big list of stuff I’ve done this year. It’s not everything since I do a lot of smaller projects that I start on and never finish, or end up changing what i need out of them, but these are most of my completed projects.
left image uses middle image’s style to make the third image. I used some random generative pen plotter drawings for the first set, and some watercolor paintings in a colorfield style for the second set. I realize I need to align *everything* perfectly to get good results though.
Machine Learning and AI Art – experimented with StyleGan and style transfer scripts, I wrote a script to process lots of images in batch. I threw my art into StyleGan and got interesting results – see above. Better alignment and upgrading to StyleGan2 would probably get better results, but I need to make a good camera stand to make alignment easy
Rhyming markov chain experiments, using social media posts as data to generate random sentences, then match those with other sentences that rhyme together
Migrated VPS from Windows server 2016 to Linux/Debian – first of 3 server setups this year. I use this one for most of my projects that need internet access, the other is for home/local stuff that doesn’t need internet access. Also migrated to a docker container (It running slow was my main reason for upgrading)
Pigeon rescue site – bought after seeing a social media post about people not sure what to do with a hurt pigeon they found, I figure I should probably put my knowledge of the bird to use somehow. I need to do more work on it and figure out how to show it in search results for combinations of Portland / Vancouver + Pigeon.
home server rebuilt #1, Linux/Debian on a raspberry Pi: my old server was having overheating issues so I switched to a Pi, since I was also interested in dropping electricity costs. Didn’t quite work out as I like using GUIs for little idle games and I quickly ran out of CPU/RAM
I built up my collection of electronics supplies after getting my old box of electronics components out of the shed and realizing the container had leaked and ruined everything. I’ve got pretty much everything needed for synth & audio DIY other than niche parts for specific circuits.
Bytebeat generator – found an old python script I had wrote years ago about trying to make bytebeat (generative music using bitwise operators) work with Python, I always had issues with generating the audio properly, but it was just an issue with duck typing. I got it to work, but I don’t really have a use for it at the moment, but when I buy a Eurorack synthesizer case eventually, I’d like to use it in a module.
server rebuilt #2 – my old pc, I bought new thermal paste and cooler for it since it was overheating last time I used it. Power costs aren’t that big of a deal I guess, considering my hobbies.
Belgian Popcorn – a script to slowdown music like the Belgian music genre “Popcorn”. I’ve written up a big blog post about it, I just need to post examples, but I’m kind of afraid of copyright strikes if I don’t pick the right music.
Youtube playlist creator – a tool to add items to a youtube playlist, I find it useful for creating playlists. Here are a few – – I’m currently using it to add lots of songs but I’m rate limited at 300 a day, it’s gonna take months until I’m done.
WS2811 leds controlled by ESP32 chips. I wired up my living room with RGB LEDs and used an ESP32 chip as a web server to control them, I also 3d printed a case. I’ve since switched this to my Raspberry PI since having to disconnect everything update got annoying quick. I need to do a write up of this and post my script, it uses lots of bitwise operator math to randomize patterns
Matrix mixer 3 input mixer Lots of 40106 based oscillators Multiple 4051 sequencers 386 amp PAM3804 hooked up to some cheap speakers from goodwill –
Schematic for a flashy LED circuit – also works as an audio circuit. 40106 is an inverter, it flips a high voltage to ground, and ground to high at a rate related to r1 and c1. the 4040 takes the 40106 output and divides it, each output is a different division. I like to make r1 a variable resistor and a light variable resistor so you can manually adjust the rate, and have it related to how much light is in the room.
Lots of oscillators connected to frequency dividers, used for audio generation, sequencing, and to drive LEDs – I like to put them in mason jars with light variable resistors, they are a nice little decoration and if you put a few of them near each other, they flash in sequence.
Electronics kits: function generator (can’t find link, I think I’ve had it for years but just never built it) resistor/capacitor/transistor tester ( – I really like this, no need to read resistors by color code
I think that’s most of everything! Maybe my goal for this year should be to document my personal projects more.
Here’s a few synthesizer circuits I’ve made lately. There’s a lot of simple circuits for synth design that are ripe for experimentation, usually under the name of “lunetta” synthesizers or CMOS synthesizers on google, using common digital logic chips to make audio circuits and noisemakers.
small synthesizer modules, using header pins and small screwdriver controlled variable resistors / potentiometers instead of full size pots and jacks.
The largest is a hex inverter oscillator used as a clock, into a frequency divider, then the outputs of the divider ran into a multiplexer in a way that it counts through the 8 steps controlled by the tiny screwdriver controlled potentiometers. There’s a wiring issue making pots 2 and 3 control the entire pitch of the sequence, but I kinda like it. I just wish I knew why it was doing that – I don’t see anything wired incorrectly, but I used stranded wire with point to point board and it’s possible some of it got caught in the holes and might be shorting. but glitches is part of why I like this set up, I could do all of this in software and midi a lot easier, but it’s just not the same. for this one in particular, it being broken works as an advantage – if you speed the clock up to audio rate, the sequence pretty much turns into a basic wavetable synth. a coarse and fine pot for clock speed would make this a lot more useful.
The small one with 4 knobs is 4 oscillators and 2 inverters. This is too small and needs to be rebuilt, two of the oscillators don’t work and need to be rewired, but it’s all cramped together so close that I can’t reasonably fix it. It still works good enough to test the next two circuits.
The other two, with 9 and 3 pots, are two passive mixers: an experimental matrix mixer, and a normal 3 input mixer.
These all use tiny potentiometers and little header pins instead of full size pots and jacks, because it hardly takes up any room – full sized pots + a faceplate + jacks for output take up a lot of space. I crammed most of these into too small of an area, so troubleshooting them can be tough – but most of the issues are just newbie mistakes and the downsides of using the wrong type of board to put the circuit together. the large board was point to point and a huge headache, and uses waaaaay too many wires, but I kinda like it (I was in the mood of solder work = a form of art at the time, but now it just feels wasteful when a proper board is so much less wiring (and shorting issues related to it))
I’ve got lots more parts on the way, I knew getting back into this hobby was a bad idea, heh. I think I’ve spent at least 500 bucks in the past few months replacing all of my old electronics parts that got ruined in my leaky shed.
I’d really like to buy a eurorack modular synthesizer setup, they are super expensive for what they are but adapting these circuits to that format doesn’t seem like it’d be too tough. I’d also like to build an amp for my synth stuff (I don’t wanna destroy my Roland JC-77 with bleeps and bloops, I push it enough running a bass into it), and a chorus + flanger + phaser for my short scale 6 string bass thing.
BONUS PICTURE OF A DOG. This is Sophie, I got her a few months ago from a local rescue. She’s wonderful, I wish I knew more about little dogs long ago, I figured they were all just like chihuahuas or terriers. She’s more mellow than most cats I’ve met – as long as you aren’t a poodle, anyway, hah. She does not think highly of fancy poodles and will bark at them, it’s kinda funny really. I don’t know what they did to offend her.
This is a simple docker container log scanner written in Python, I was trying to filter out real views from bots on my music discovery tools. It uses the docker python library – pip install docker should grab it.
a quick python script for accessing + searching Docker log files
I used it to try and sort real visitors from fake ones
import docker
client = docker.from_env()
containerlist = client.containers.list()
ignorelist = []
getlist = ['bestof', 'favicon', '/database', 'GET / ', '/update' ]
#getlist = ['GET /bestof']
for containername in containerlist:
if not in ignorelist:
logs = containername.logs().decode().split('\n')
for containerlogs in logs:
if any(word in containerlogs for word in getlist):
newstr = containerlogs.split('"')
if len(newstr) is 9:
ua = newstr[5][0:200]
ip = newstr[7]
ref = newstr[3]
visited = newstr[1]
if ip == '-':
ip = newstr[0].split(' ')[0]
print(f'possible non-bot visitor: {ip} visited {visited}, related: {ref}, {ua}')
WordPress code blocks don’t work with python, but you can still copy and paste. (edit: now they do~) Here are some example results:
possible non-bot visitor: visited GET / HTTP/1.1, related: -, Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+
possible non-bot visitor: visited GET / HTTP/1.1, related:, Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 8.1.0; zh-CN; EML-AL00 Build/HUAWEIEML-AL00) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/57.0.2987.108 baidu.sogo.uc.UCBrowser/ UWS/ Mob
possible non-bot visitor: visited GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1, related: -, Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4 240.111 Safari/537.36
a few results – of course, I mostly got bots.
I had a theory that favicon might only show up to real users, people using actual browsers – I guess that was wrong (selenium does exist, and google has it’s own favicon scraper). I’ve noticed less bots hit /database and /bestof, maybe I could filter it down from there. I notice they tend not to have a referral link (I think that’s what it is? I’ve labelled it as “related”).
I feel like I could have used this in the past, but now I can’t remember why I needed it.
I changed the url for my music playlist / song discovery tool to, and setup another blog to write about what I’ve found (or remembered) at This is probably the last I’ll write about it here unless there’s a bunch more programming involved.
John Peel Festive 50 1976 – 2004 NME, Select, Sounds, The Face, The Wire – End of year lists – German/Swiss/Austrian punk/new wave lists – some DIY/80s Cassette Culture lists, and some other users best of lists.
Scraping the last one caused some issues – any issues with the URL would get your IP instantly banned and a manual request required to get unbanned. So far I’ve been banned for 3 days with no fix just because I forgot to add a user-agent to the headers ONE TIME. Silly. It’s not even their lists, it’s their users. Luckily I have some cheap VPN so I used that to get around my ban, and kept scraping times low so it didn’t happen again. Here’s my script:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
import random
#url pattern is easy to figure out, just set range to the number of pages from the list you choose
pages = [f'{x}/' for x in range(1,101)]
for each in pages:
response = requests.get(each, headers= {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0'})
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml')
trs = soup.find_all('tr')
for td in trs:
if td.h3 is None or td.h2 is None:
bandname = td.h2.text
albumname = td.h3.text.replace('\n',' ')
print(f'?. {bandname} - {albumname}')
This will print the list on the site to console in the form of “?. Artist – Album / Single”. Since there’s so much checking that needs to be done, it’s easier to just copy and paste from the console into the file I use to create a database – some sites like rocklist are inconsistent in the format of the lists. I created another script to convert those to the proper format:
swaps format "<rank>. <song/album> - <artist>" to "<rank>. <artist> - <song/album>" so it will import
into the database the same as the other lists
with open('converter.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
imports = f.readlines()
data = []
for each in imports:
if '~' in each:
each = each.replace("\n","")
ranksplit = each.split('. ')
rank = ranksplit[0]
namesplit = str(ranksplit[1]).split(' - ')
title = namesplit[0]
artist = namesplit[1]
print(f'{rank}. {artist} - {title}')
data.append(f'{rank}. {artist} - {title}')
and this is the script I used for – luckily they don’t care about scraping, the site looks like it’s from the angelfire/geocities era lmao
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
scrapes and prints for bands and album names to console in a format that works for my import script -
there's still some minor formatting errors, like odd spaces and some characters not encoding properly,
but I think that's just because it's an old site or something to do with it being in german. fixing it in notepad++ works good enough
germanlists = ['',
for each in germanlists:
print(f'~\n{each}') #used for splitting lists in
response = requests.get(each)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml')
trs = soup.find_all('table')
for row in trs:
if '<p>' in str(row):
if row.text.strip() is '':
bandalbum = row.find_all('b')[0].text.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8')
if '(' in str(bandalbum) and ')' in str(bandalbum):
cleantext = bandalbum.split('(')[1].split(')')[0]
bandalbum = str(bandalbum).replace(f"({cleantext})", '')
bandalbum = bandalbum.strip().replace('\n','').replace(':','-').title()
if '\n' in bandalbum:
bandalbum = bandalbum.replace('\n','')
print(f"?. {bandalbum}")
WordPress code blocks really messed up Python formatting. Oh well. Something else to fix in the future, I guess.
This is my import script – it turns import.txt into a database, which is what I copy the result of the scrapers above into, then run this and fix any errors it gives until there’s none.
import sqlite3
with open('import.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
imports =
sql = sqlite3.connect('musiclists.db')
cur = sql.cursor()
count = 0
for alist in imports.split('~\n'):
table = alist.split('\n')
tablename = table[0]
cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "' + tablename + '"(rank TEXT, artist TEXT, albumorsong TEXT)')
for albumsingle in table[1:]:
if albumsingle == '':
ranksplit = albumsingle.split('. ')
rank = ranksplit[0]
namesplit = ''.join(ranksplit[1:]).split(' - ')
artist = ''.join(namesplit[0])
title = namesplit[1]
cur.execute(f'INSERT INTO "{tablename}" VALUES(?,?,?)',[rank,artist,title])
#print (f"inserted {rank}, {artist}, {title}")
except Exception as e:
print(f'error in {table[0]}: {albumsingle}, {e}')
count += 1
print (f"{tablename} finished")
if count == 0:
print ("success, all good format")
Originally I might have had an issue with a goofy SQL query here, but after ~reading the documentation~, I think I’ve got it sorted out as best I can without redoing table names.
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
import sqlite3
import random
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/database', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def main():
sql = sqlite3.connect('musiclists.db')
cur = sql.cursor()
if request.method == 'POST':
tablefix = f"{request.form.get('tables')}"
data = cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM '{tablefix}'").fetchall()
elif request.method == 'GET':
data = []
tablefix = ''
alltables = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()
return render_template('index.html', current=tablefix,output=data,
def makeplaylist():
sql = sqlite3.connect('musiclists.db')
cur = sql.cursor()
alltables = cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()
playlist = []
for each in range(0,15):
tablefix = random.choice((sum(alltables,())))
data = cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM '{tablefix}'").fetchall()
playlist.append(list(random.choice(data)) + [tablefix])
return render_template('playlist.html', data=playlist)
#just for local debugging
if __name__ == '__main__':
This is my main Flask script that runs the whole thing. I should probably try making my own lists now, I already have which could be turned into a list easy enough. Adding a button for favorites to the new site & a best of page from that might be another thing to add.
I run all this in a docker image and just rebuild the image every time I do an update. It works quite well, and it again reminds me of how great docker and containers are. I do occasionally seem to be getting some lag, I’m not sure if it’s my cheap VPS (it’s only 2gb of ram) or some type of hibernation thing, since it seems like it’s only after it hasn’t been used for a while, then it works fine. It’s still better than it was running on my old Windows VPS, that’s for sure.
here’s some more music I’ve found from using this tool:
I like how half these bands you can barely find anything about them on google. ~how mysterious~
this reminds me of Liliput / Kleenex
vaguely industrial / experimental electronic? I was going to say this sounds like Pyrolator or Der Plan, turns out it was released on that label so I guess I wasn’t that far off.
this is the kind of stuff I wouldn’t have liked 10-15 years ago hahaha. same with that Tim Wright song from the other blog post
post-punk / gothy music always has some pretty awesome guitars & bass. as someone who has played a lot of bass and really into Jaco Pastorius, playing a bass with a pick was always a sin, but it’s actually got the best tone
I really like music. All of it, with amateur/”folk” (i.e. talent is mostly irrelevant if it’s catchy or interesting) music being held in high regard. The only thing I really don’t like is sappy ballads & overproduced modern music – but that might be obvious considering I’m listening to digital rips of cassettes in 2021, haha. Switching my computer to 5.1 sound seems to help with the noise on some stuff, I’m not sure why that is.
I’ve been meaning to format my VPS and switch to Linux / Debian + Docker for a while, and finally did after I noticed my old music recommendation site ( occasionally having issues. I tried debugging a bit, but couldn’t find anything in the script causing, and restarting the server fixed it for a bit, so I formatted and reinstalled. I turned my python/flask site into a docker image, then set up Nginx Proxy Manager and used that to secure it with Let’s Encrypt and route it to the proper ports. That completely fixed it.
I’ve been wanting to redo the site anyway, so I made a new one based around other people’s music lists: – I picked a a bunch of lists from that seem interesting me – experimental / underground / etc stuff like from The Wire, misc punk era stuff – John Peel, NME, Sounds – or just things that randomly interest me
So far I’ve found some music I like from it:
I’d like to find more NDW / German punk and new wave to add to it, there’s a lot of really interesting and unique stuff from that time period – Der Plan, Pyrolator, Malaria!, etc. seems to have a load of German/Swiss/Austrian bands and songs to search for, it might be worth building a script to parse that site a bit better since it looks like a geocities/angelfire site.
My code in OpenSCAD, a programming / scripting language for CAD / Computer-Aided Design.
I’ve been trying to figure out a good way to hang up my art but my house is kinda small and has funky thicc walls – drilling is always a pain, so putting things on the wall is annoying. I’ve been doing a lot of 3d design lately with OpenSCAD and have 3d printed a number of other brackets for holding electronics to shelves, and decided to make my own for the IKEA KALLAX shelving unit that my TV is on. after a few prototypes, this is what I came up with:
Both versions of my bracket
brackets in action, holding up plotted paintings done on canvas panel
If I print anymore then I’d like to increase the width of the parallel pieces, they seem like they could break if they take too much abuse.
I should probably paint them all in the same size / color but overall I am satisfied, this a lot better than drilling holes in my wall and trying to figure out other solutions that don’t damage artwork. I think I might have to use this in my kitchen as well for some shelves, putting light sensitive stuff behind a canvas panel would work pretty well I think.
a bonus: here’s my Christmas gift for my dad, he wanted a Ford Bronco logo mashed up with a T-Rex to possibly use for his 1st gen Bronco rebuild. He doesn’t know if he’s gonna use them since the vehicle is worth more stock, but it was fun to make them. I basically mashed up two pictures in paint, imported into Inkscape to fix lines, then imported into blender and extrude, then import into the 3d printing software and into my 3d printer.
It’s a family of Broncosaurus Rexes hanging out on my desk.